January 30, 2008

Footprint November 2007

Taking life to the next level

The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person we were intended to be. To be able to take life to the next level we need to think bigger, act better and be willing to do the work. There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going and it is always better to begin building our dream in the evening than not at all. We can act now and very little can do a hell of a lot. It is our duty to expand, to act better today than yesterday and to use our energy by maintaining focus on what is most important to us. When our biggest motivation is to keep challenging ourselves we feel alive and automatically think bigger every day. The word impossible remains deleted from our dictionary, we remind ourselves that full effort is full victory and – we grow up.

We are here for a reason and it is up to us finding out why. Oprah Winfrey proposes one way to test if we are truly following our passion. Ask yourself: “Would you do your job and not be paid for it?” In asking this question herself, Oprah replies, “I would do this job, and take on a second job just to make ends meet if nobody paid me. That’s how you know you are doing the right thing.” When we use the power that comes from focusing on what truly excites us we overcome the obstacles present in our lives. And when we do we will get the confidence to go out and achieve our goals without losing touch with the present. We see all challenges that show up like gifts that force us to search for a new centre of gravity and we remain faithful that there will be sunshine after rain.

If we want to take life to the next level we must have complete mastery of our thoughts and actions and repeat all things that seem to work over and over again. If we do what we always did we will end up having what we always had. We can use every opportunity no matter how brief to practice focusing only on things that makes us expand, grow and feel proud about ourselves. We can put everything else second and know that one day at a time we raise the standard of our lives. In the end it is all about one thing: whatever we want to do, we have to do it. We decide what we are going to do. We decide that we will do it. We do it. And we act in such a way that we wouldn’t be ashamed to see our parrot on TV.